Investor FAQs

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What does Treace do?

Where is Treace’s corporate headquarters?

Where and when was Treace incorporated?

On what stock exchange are Treace shares traded, and what is the ticker symbol?

Does Treace have a direct stock purchase plan?

Where can I find all of Treace’s SEC filings? Where can I download and view quarterly and annual reports?

When does Treace fiscal year end?

Does Treace pay dividends?

Who are the Company's independent registered public accountants?

Who is the Company’s transfer agent?

Who are the members of Treace Board of Directors?

Who are the members of the Treace management team?

When is your next earnings release?

How do I contact Investor Relations with a question or request?

Who to contact with questions about Treace shares or dividends?

Can I replace a lost certificate?